Singing Guide: Marilyn Hill Smith

Singing Guide: Marilyn Hill Smith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Marilyn Hill Smith was famous for her soaring voice and dynamic stage presence that captivated audiences worldwide. Her signature style included flawless bel canto technique, impeccable breath control, and seamless legato. In this article, we will discuss how to learn singing like Marilyn Hill Smith.

  • Vocal Range Test
    • Before you begin practicing, determine your vocal range with our Vocal Range Test. This test compares your range with many famous singers, including Marilyn Hill Smith. Knowing your vocal range helps you find music that fits your voice and choose the right keys to sing in.
  • Influences
    • Marilyn Hill Smith’s style is influenced by great Italian operatic sopranos. She also admired Montserrat Caballe for her incredible breath control and dynamic expression. To learn singing like Marilyn Hill Smith, explore the works of great Italian composers like Verdi, Mozart, Donizetti, Rossini, and Puccini.
  • Vocal Technique
    • Breath Control: Good breath control is fundamental in achieving Marilyn Hill Smith’s bel canto technique. Breathing Basics and Breath Support are helpful articles to help you understand the importance of breathing and how to use it effectively. To improve your breath control, practice the Farinelli Breathing Exercise.
    • Registers and Vocal Breaks: It is crucial to understand Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks to achieve Marilyn Hill Smith’s legato technique. You need to be able to switch smoothly from chest voice to head voice and back again throughout your range.
    • Belting, Twang, and Heavy Modal: Marilyn Hill Smith often used contemporary techniques such as Twang and Belting in her performances. These techniques can bring more dynamic expression to your singing.
    • Open Mouth and Throat: Another vital technique to learn is the concept of Open Mouth & Throat. Singing with an open mouth and throat allows more air to pass through, giving your voice more freedom to resonate and resulting in a brighter, more vibrant tone.
  • Songs to Practice
    • To learn singing like Marilyn Hill Smith, try these songs:
      1. Lucia di Lammermoor: "Regnava Nel Silenzio"
      2. La Traviata: "Addio, Del Passato"
      3. Caro Nome: "Rigoletto"
      4. Lakme: "Bell Song"
      5. The Marriage of Figaro: "Porgi Amor"
    • Choose pieces that challenge and inspire you. Listen to Marilyn Hill Smith’s interpretations and try to sing along with her recordings to get a feel for her style.
  • Vocal Health Tips
    • It is essential to take care of your voice to maintain optimum health. Check out Vocal Health article for more tips on how to avoid damaging your voice.
  • Conclusion
    • Incorporating unique vocal techniques of Marilyn Hill Smith into your singing will help you achieve a fuller, richer voice with excellent tonal control. Focus on optimal breathing, bel canto technique, and dynamic expression. Practice regularly and always warm up before attempting difficult pieces. With diligent practice and commitment to vocal health, you can learn to sing like Marilyn Hill Smith.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.